Let me introduce you to the people that carry me through the brightest days, and darkest nights.
(FYI, Dayton is not listed because he is special and has his own tab, but he very much so brightens my day. Especially when he steps in dog poop with his bare feet, which he just did.)
My mama. Most beautiful soul I have ever met. I love her more than words can say. When I am weak, she is strong and vice versa. She raised me with the unconditional love that a mother should give their child. She let me make my own mistakes. I believe that has helped me SO much. I have a lot more than most 22 year olds, and I owe that all to her.
The immediate family.
The whole Shabang.
The ones who have accepted me as their own.
My absolute perfect nieces.
My soulmate.
My Best Friend and Baby O
And the ones that have been there through it all. (with princess Morgan)
God, for some amazing reason, has blessed me with these wonderful people. And I thank him for it every day. I have learned something from everyone of these people. How to love, how to laugh, how to cry, how to have fun. I've gained patience through my nieces, and learned that something so small can take up the biggest space in your heart. Without these people, I truly believe I would be nothing. I would have nothing. Family is the most important thing to me. And these people are the absolute definition of it.
On that note, I must bid you adieu.

Love you one thousand