The same ole' song and dance. Losing weight is hard. Always. No matter how you look at it.
"Just do it."
Oh okay, well since you put it that way, that makes it easy, right?
Its easier said than done.
You know that.
When you've never struggled with a food addiction, you don't know how hard it is. I wish that I could just pull up my big girl panties and deal with it.
But, the reality of it all, what is the reality?
That I have to completely change the way that I have lived for 24 years. Yes, I've done it before. But, when you stop, its so much harder to get going again. Just like with running up a hill. You push through it, but if you stop, its so much hard to get started again.
I fell down to the bottom. The bottom of the longest steepest hill imaginable. 24 years of "learning" whether it was the right way to learn, or the wrong, its still hard to teach an old dog new tricks. When you've walked the same path all this time, taking a different turn isn't something you can "just do". My path is safe, figuratively. Not the healthiest, but it is my safe place.
I don't like to try new things. I have pallet that of a toddler. I hate veggies and fruits. I could eat Chik-fil-a every day of my life. And there are weeks that I have. Some days I get the healthy bug, but then I just go through a drive thru, like I completely forgot that I am supposed to be eating healthy. Its the norm. I have to break the norm. How do you do that? I feel like I have tried everything. Hell, I even tried surgery. And that failed. When you constantly fail at everything you do to change yourself, how do you fix it? I know what needs to be done, I know how to eat, I know what to eat. But I haven't the faintest clue on how to start again. I want to just get it together. I want to get my whole life together. It starts with me. I want to get over this hill. I want to do everything I can to become healthy. But, do I? I love myself, but I hate my body. I want to be able to be walk through a crowd and not rub up on someone with my belly. I want to not feel disgusting. I want to try again. For the millionth time, I want to try again. And to keep it going. I want to find the strength and willpower. How do you find it when you feel like you've never had it?
You, "Just do it".
And on that note, I bid you adieu.

I have the pallet of a toddler as well. Working out is easy for me, bc I enjoy it but I'm extremely picky.
ReplyDeleteGirl, I am right there with you. Although, I am 37 years old and I still haven't got my sh*t together. I wonder if I ever will. I have 2 teenage girls that see me hate my body everyday. I know I have damaged their body image. I just feel lost. I pray that both of us find our way. Best of luck to you.